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Buck #29

Hunter:     Tony Folcey            

Score:     125 1/8"

Points:     10 points

Weight:    unknown

Date:        October 24, 2002

Location: Houston County, Minnesota

Method:   bow

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This 10 pointer is my first Pope & Young buck.  I can remember the first time I saw him. It was 5 days prior to this photo. I was standing at the very farthest point of one of the corn fields  where I hunt. I had seen a few smaller bucks and a handful of does. Filming as usual. Then just before dusk he came on a B line straight to a licking tree that was heavily used by anyone and everyone. I kept saying to myself "come another 10 yards closer!" He didn't. He went to his spot at the tree...sniffed a few branches and left. I knew he was borderline but after so many years of not getting a Pope and Young...I was extremely hungry. I sat every night I could and had I figured I probably ruined my chances by putting too much scent in the area. Five days later, just before dusk he came from the same bedding area, on a B line straight to the same tree...ONLY this time he was another 10 or 12 yards closer to me. Raccoons had taken down a bunch of the corn where he had intended to file through. He gave me a 25 yard shot, after I had to bleat him to a stop. He didn't make it out of the corn field. Man, I was so happy when I walked up on him I just sat and stared for a while...